Tag: Personal Brand


8 Expert Ways to Build Your Personal Brand On Twitter!

Anyone can have a personal brand these days. With social media platforms like Twitter, the investment in starting your brand campaign is next to nothing. An added plus is that you can use hashtags, trends, and other tools to promote your brand with Twitter. Luckily, promoting a brand on Twitter is not too time-consuming or difficult. Below are just a few ways to get one started: 1. Invest Time In Learning Take out a few hours from your week and invest them in getting to know Twitter, inside and out. There are several features that may not be commonly used but are essential for marketing a brand. Learn and explore the depths of trending hashtags, Twitter chats, etc. This will make you more confident about using Twitter as an online marketing tool. 2. Find Some Good Reads or Download EBooks CopyBlogger has some really fantastic ebooks that can help you learn the ins and outs of personal branding on Twitter including “The Ultimate Guide to Twitter Marketing”, “Moz’s Guide to Twitter”, “MakeUseOf, The Complete Twitter Guide” and “Michael Hyatt’s Beginner’s Guide to Twitter”. For a quick learning experience, you can learn from Twitter itself, through tutorials, such as “Getting Started with Twitter” which also has a version comprised of pictures to make everything easier for you. Most of these ebooks are available in PDF or Web-based versions online without any fee. What’s even better is that many of them have been revised to include new Twitter features. They are extremely helpful guides to learning Twitter tactics and strategies regarding building your personal brand. 3. Set Up A Saleable Profile A Twitter profile is probably one of the first things you should focus on. To customize your bio, you need to clarify exactly who you are and what you have to offer. Make yourself marketable with a catchy profile and you will be quickly able to have some followers in your pocket. If you are offering a unique product, you need to identify yourself with it right away. Proclaim your achievements in a modest, yet confident manner. If a hashtag or handle, such as a tagline is included, they can be used to build your brand presence and recognition on Twitter. 4. Remain Active Not a single day should pass that you don’t post on Twitter at least once, if not two or three times. You need to get your brand recognized by at least a handful of people. If after following you, the people can’t see your or your brand’s name in their feeds, they would eventually unfollow you. Therefore, you need to use hashtags and trending topics in your tweets to get more recognition. 5. Follow To Get Followed Following other Twitter users, interacting with them, showing that you hear what they have to say, is also going to fetch you some followers. This not only increases your Twitter activity, but it also puts you in contact with your customer base. With an effective twitter marketing strategy, you can build your personal band on Twitter. However, you shouldn’t resort to the aggressive following as it will create a bad impression. The numbers should be about the same if you’re just starting, and your followers should be significantly more as you begin to gain traction while promoting your personal brand. 6. Check Notifications To keep abreast of the current happenings, you need to keep tabs on the events that created waves when you weren’t available on Twitter. This is crucial because you will find out who followed you (follow them back if you are just starting out), favorite any tweets and retweet some tweets and conversations. 7. Follow Thought Leaders Be sure to follow influential people in your market niche and follow those whom they follow. You might get some useful tips as well as exposure that you can use to enhance your personal brand. 8. Stay Connected To Twitter’s Discover Tab This feature shows you tweets that are of interest to you and your brand. Retweet those that conform to your brand identity. Wrapping Up… You can easily make Twitter your social media manager by letting its features help you out. Just follow the aforementioned tips and you will be on your way to becoming a brand! Read also: Social Media Marketing Role In Technology How Social Media Playing A Role In Career Building?